Jonas Mekas. To Be Open and Public Intellectuals

Trapped in vital trials, losses and time, experiencing our own earthly existence, we seek meaningful reincarnations of memory and the present, which would provide for our daily life the faith in the power of ideas, identity and beauty. “How to be yourself?”, how, according to Jonas Mekas, to preserve youthfulness, passion and joy, how to live and celebrate life, so that time beyond our control would belong to us, we are not afraid of losing our choices and experience happiness in the face of reality.

Remaining in a meaningful horizon of time, memory, and values, we could extend the words uttered by Jonas Mekas: “I believe that we have come from the light and we are on the way back to the light”, spreading light and understanding that the most important thing to do is “to create a more wonderful humanity”

Authors: Genevieve Yue, Evelina Kazakevičiūtė, Rita Repšienė, Skaidra Trilupaitytė, Aida Savicka, Ieva Pleikienė, Vytautas Rubavičius, Vida Bakutytė